Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What order are area codes arranged by? How can NYC by 212 and LA be 213? What is the system?

Zip codes seem to follow a logical order across the country, but area codes seem somewhat willy nilly. How did it come to be and what is the system.What order are area codes arranged by? How can NYC by 212 and LA be 213? What is the system?
Wikipedia has a good article on this ... but basically, the largest cities were given area codes that required the least number of pulls on the old rotary phones (212, 213, 312 ... NY, LA, Chicago ...) and from there they were assigned by a committee.

Until the 90s, of course, area codes could only have a 0 or a 1 as the second digit ... and now can have any number - and the number of pulls is no longer important since probably 99.9% of all phones in use today are touch tone.What order are area codes arranged by? How can NYC by 212 and LA be 213? What is the system?
population... just a guess...

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