in most cases you dont pay long distance rates
although you might have to pay "zone": rate
in some cases(or also as a toll call)
but in lots of plaes it still consider a local cal
(ie you can from Santa monica (310 to a Middle Wilshire (323)
and that would be consider a "local" car (although you will
still need to enter in 1 323 and the phone number
but if you are in santa monica and want to call long beach (562) that
would be a toll cal
(now this is only for land lines phones)
if using a cell phone
cellphone you dont have to worry about it
Ask the operator. Buy a phone card and don't pay long distanceSince southern California has a crapload of area codes and cities have 2, does it cost long distance to call?
Probably same as everyplace else.. I can call thousand oaks toll free (different AC)which is 26 miles, but calling parts of North hills, which is actually closer and same AC. I get nailed with a toll charge. i'm seriously thinking of going to target, get some blankets, build a fire in the back yard and send smoke signals.Since southern California has a crapload of area codes and cities have 2, does it cost long distance to call?
its not a long distance call
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